We concluded our 4-session journey on Montessori principles and how to apply them at home.
Parents who joined and contributed with their questions, experiences, and engagement have experienced an enriching exchange of information between presenter Ylenia Maitino and participants.
A short reminder of the presented key concepts:
- The mind of the 0–6-year-old child is absorbent: to make the most of such incredibly powerful features, you can keep nurturing it with enriching and loving experiences, vocabulary, opportunities to explore sensorially.
- Observation is key to ensure we offer the right support at the right moment. It starts with observing ourselves as adults and goes on with observing the child. It’s an opportunity for the entire family to evolve as human beings.
- The adult is the child’s role model. How the adult talks, moves, behaves, (re)acts matter more than their explanations. To fulfil such a key role, it’s important to prepare oneself.
- Allowing freedom within limits will provide the child with the opportunity to develop their own will and freely choose to act responsibly while fully understanding the consequences of their actions (acting with meaning).

To read more about Montessori, please find below a list of inspiring books.
From Maria Montessori
- Montessori, Maria: The Absorbent Mind
- Montessori, Maria: The Secret of Childhood
- Montessori, Maria: Education and Peace
- Montessori, Maria: The Discovery of the Child
- Montessori, Maria: Education for a New World
- Montessori, Maria: The formation of man
From other authors
- Rodgers, Cathy: Educational Neuroscience
- Davies, Simone: The Montessori Toddler
- Lieberman, Alicia: The Emotional Life of the Toddler
- Lillard Preschlack, Paula: The Montessori Potential: How to Foster Independence, Respect, and Joy in Every Child
For practical tips
- Seldin, Tim: How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way
- Patch, Casey: Sensory Play for Toddlers and Pre-schoolers